To sample the book, please click on the image of the book below, which will give you Chapters 1-4 and Appendix A (Introduction to UNIX).

Best practices for viewing your ebook:
The default view is “flowing text” which supports videos and internal navigation, however, it does not work well for displaying large blocks of code or other text with specific formatting needs. For example, the following code spans 3 “pages” (the first few lines are on the previous page) making it quite hard to read:

You can switch between flowing text and the original full page layout by going to the right corner, choosing “display options” and then selecting “Original Pages”

Switching to original pages mode gives the following view of this code, which displays it all nicely on one page

The downside to original pages mode is that videos and navigation links are not supported—you would need to switch back to "flowing text” mode to use them.