If you should find a mistake in our book, we would very much like to know about it. Please use the following form to make us aware of any errors or just sources of confusion.

Below is a list of typos that we plan to fix in future editions of the book. Although they affect the readability of the text, we do no consider them to be correctness problems that readers might want to know about.
This list is not yet complete as we have not finished processing all the reported errata.

page 27: “...which are an integral part of its deisgn" “...which are an integral part of its design"

Chapter 3: Types
3.5, paragraph before 3.5.1: “These conventions are not longer" "These conventions are no longer"

Chapter 4: Writing Code
4.5: "Choosing between float and double is a mater of" "Choosing between float and double is a matter of”

Chapter 13: Programming in the Large
last paragraph before 13.1, 2nd sentence: "Our coverage here will sufficient..." "Our coverage here will be sufficient..."

Chapter 27: Balanced BSTs
27.1 fourth paragraph, last sentence: "as they more around" “as the move around”